Monday, March 16, 2015

Robert Durst joins list of "Suspects that Talk to Themselves"

Robert Durst

Is there a 'reasonable expectation' of privacy while in a public restroom?

When Robert Durst was heard during the making of an HBO documentary saying that he "killed them all" during a bathroom break... he provided law enforcement enough to get himself arrested last Saturday.

In United States vs. Hill, the U.S Court of Appeals in the Eight Circuit recently held that under some circumstances, there is no continuing Fourth Amendment right to privacy in a public restroom...

"As a result of investigative leads and additional evidence that has come to light in the past year, investigators have identified Robert Durst as the person responsible for Susan Berman's death," Los Angeles Police said in a statement.

Special Agent William Hagmaier describes how in the homicide investigation of Federal Judge Robert Vance, investigators were able to get permission from the court to glean information from Walter Leroy Moody who 'at times' talked to himself. 

Friday, February 27, 2015

MCSD Training: Equal Opportunity Incompetency

It made no difference whether the victim was a long-time local or a recent move-in

The bungling in the death investigations of Troy Green, Jim Miller, Chester Millsaps, Charlie Young (and others), is likely one of the darkest chapters in Monroe County Sheriff Bill Bivens' legacy.

Former cops planned a come-back in 2016
A 78 year old former Florida native who knew Charlie Young since Charlie was 16 years old, recalls the suspicious circumstances surrounding his death.

"The only thing they had was the testimony of his wife, that she supposedly had gone to town and came back and found him laying on the ground, in the floor of the kitchen, blood all over the place...she had a 'boyfriend' at the time, the guy she eventually married."

Charlie's friend mentions the stark contrast in the homicide investigation performed in the death of Harkey Yates, which was done by the (TBI) Tennessee Bureau of Investigation as the lead agency.

"They never did an autopsy on Charlie when he died--even though it was an un-attended death, (supposedly, no one around)...Harkey died in the basement down there in his shop...they did an autopsy on Harkey, why didn't they do Charlie?"

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Former MCSD Cops 'Doug E fresh' Brannon & Pat Henry

Fake Lawyer Scandal--Their Actions Described as: "egregious, illegal, and abhorrent"

Former MCSD Doug Brannon  
Brannon testified that he agreed working with Patrick Henry, who was accused of impersonating an attorney, but denies participating in the "illusion." See how Brannon denies knowledge of "misdeeds" by Monroe County Sheriff's Detectives in the Dawson case--see page 12 in the appeal of State of Tennessee v. Jessica Kennedy HERE

Former MCSD James Patrick Henry
Doug Brannon, along with his former partner James Patrick Henry, received national attention in a ruling which Tennessee Supreme Court Justice James Curwood Witt described their actions as "egregious, illegal, and egregious that it profoundly interfered with the defendant's right to counsel under state and federal constitutions." Dawson claims he was framed

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Hatch Act Unit of the OSC on Randy White

Update: Randy White and Tommy Jones Jr. trade places--Randy is now the chief-deputy and Jones is the Sheriff. The switcheroo is possibly a tactical pre-arranged plan to be implemented only if Randy was ruled ineligible to be Sheriff.
Randy White-served about 43 days as Sheriff

A lawyer from the OSC on Randy White's activities after the election was voided:
"The activity that he is engaged in (appearing before the POST Commission while still employed in some capacity by the MCSD) would not be a 'Hatch Act Prohibited Activity' because, there is not an election at issue, so it's not like he is currently running for election--he's trying to get their decision reversed in terms of his ineligibility, so we wouldn't be able to argue that it's for the purpose of influencing the outcome of an election--because the election is over--he's just trying to convince them that he is not ineligible to be Sheriff."

What if 2 or 3 months prior to the 2016 election White holds the chief-deputy position while running for the Sheriff position?
"The Hatch Act would prohibit him from running for office only if his salary was 100% federally funded-the law changed a couple of years ago, now in terms of the candidacy prohibition, it's only if the salary is 100% federally funded."

Saturday, April 5, 2014

An Insider's view on the Missing Indonesian Flight 370

Given the intense interest into the disappearance of the Indonesian B-777...and a recently received email from a friend...I thought that you all might like to read this short message. I was his First Officer (Co-Pilot) for two or three months prior to my upgrading to Captain in 1995. He and I then served together as Line Check Airman in the B-727 for a number of years. He is an ex-Air Force F-15 pilot and is now either a MD-11 or B-777 Captain for a transport company.

A retired 3-star USAF general said (on Fox News) on the 18th of March 2014 that Boeing received it's last 'ping' from the Malaysian 777, while on the ground in western Pakistan, in a Taliban controlled area, near the Afghanistan border.
While flying between Paris and New Delhi (LFPG-VIPD), we were going to fly right over that area--when talking with Kabul Control, we were told to "OFFSET COURSE 10 NAUTICAL MILES TO THE NORTH, TO AVOID MILITARY AREA."
Having flown this part of the world for the last 3.5 years, I have never been asked to offset that much in that area, EVEN WHILE THE WAR WAS GOING ON.

The 'three star' is General Tom Mclnerney. General Mclnerney has been a Fox News contributor for quite a while. He comes across as an intelligent, sober and connected man. He is always quite measured in his responses and is not one to wander off "into the woods" by trying to make people think that he is knowledgeable about subject matter that he has little understanding of. On two occasions recently, the General has stated unequivocally that the missing B-777 is "on the ground in western Pakistan in a Taliban controlled area."

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Knoxville News media set to help 'botch' another death investigation

*Major Blunders in high-profile investigations get Bivens booted out of office in 2014.

It appears as if the 'news hungry' out-of-town news media was set to help influence another jury pool in Monroe County's latest death investigation(s). 

Lt. Tonia Norwood went beyond MCSD Public Comments Policy in the October 15, 2013 issue of the Daily News Express--see 'Talkin Tonia' at bottom of post. 

Perhaps, residents from rural Tennessee counties are presumed to be ignorant and gullible to 'city slicker' media outlets...Oh well, let's say for the sake of argument, that is pretty far-fetched...however, can a pattern of irresponsible pre-trial media bias be shown?

Kathy Bookout death news

The most recent example, last week-end's death of Kathy Bookout. WATE's Jim Smith quotes Sheriff Bill Bivens: "With all cases we want to make certain we don't compromise the case, so it's better sometimes we say less."

The next line: Sheriff Bivens says the murder was premeditated. Who was at fault for reporting this seemingly contradicting statement?

Premeditated murder (someone who plans to carry out the crime while knowing it is against the law) is a much more serious offense than other types of murder, and dealt with more harshly than a murder by someone who lost their temper in the heat of the moment. See for yourself the different types of murder categories, which are tried in a courtroom, in a judicial proceeding--not in a media-frenzy tabloid news article. 

Jim Miller case Solved
In the the Jim Miller murder investigation 3 years ago, the same news outlet claimed the case had been solved before the trial even started!..."Investigators say they have solved the months-long mystery of who shot Monroe County Election Commission chairman Jim Miller before setting his body on fire in the trunk of his car."

Lt. 'Talkin' Tonia Norwood may have been unaware of Sheriff Bivens' Public disclosures policy, or had her own agenda. It's as if Norwood was acting as the (PIO) of the Monroe County Sheriff's Dept... Captain Jennifer Bledsoe is the Public Information Officer of the MCSD.
In the October 15, 2013 DNE, Norwood makes numerous comments about the Kathy Bookout death investigation.
"Bookout reportedly told Norwood" ... "Parker then said, according to Norwood" ... "Norwood reported" ... "Norwood said Parker intentionally shot and killed Bookout."

Update: 10/21/2013 Judge Reed Dixon ruled that James Parker Ray must have a mental evaluation to see if he is fit to stand trial. This may temporarily put an end to any new hearsay comments about Parker, at least until the medical evaluation has taken it's course.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Securing Information: Lessons learned from the Snowden leaks

NSA has released a detailed account of what classified data Edward Snowden was able to remove and just how he was able to pull off what is now considered to be one of the greatest leaks of classified information.

The documents that Snowden leaked, the Powerpoint slides and other classified documents were stored in the NSA's internal website so analysts with top-secret clearance could read them online.

This type of 'information sharing' was implemented after the 911 attacks—When Secret Information is shared, analysts are more likely to 'connect the dots'.

Because of Snowden's leaks, the way that information is shared in the NSA has seen several security upgrades. NSA Public Information Officer Lonnie Anderson will not disclose how Snowden was able to remove data from his work-station, since it is part of ongoing criminal investigation.

One of the post media leaks counter measures has been that sensitive information access is in two-person control areas. This will make it impossible for analysts with privileged access to work and move about anonymously on NSA computers.

The NSA will now be tagging data with 'identifiers' so that higher ups in the agency are able to decide which data system analysts are able to see, the information that systems analysts are able to see will have the handling of that information monitored and recorded. Other counter-measures that are now in use remain classified and will be continually upgraded and improved upon to secure NSA data.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Fugitive Edward Snowden may have unwittingly dissed the Russians

Snowden Update 8/1/2013  Edward Snowden is granted permission to leave the airport, gets a one year conditional asylum to live in the Soviet Union.

Update 8/6/2013 Former NSA Chief Michael Hayden says Edward Snowden has become a 'global hacker darling', and hackers were likely to respond with cyber-terror attacks if Snowden is apprehended and brought back to the U.S.

Former NSA Chief Michael Hayden
In his first public appearance since he left Hong Kong, Edward Snowden appeared on 7/12/2013 in Moscow, inside a closed-off area at the Sheremetyevo airport... A throng of reporters eagerly waited for details on his latest strategy. Appearing gaunt, in what seemed 'a shirt much too large', his brief press conference was drowned out (at times) by airport flight schedule announcements coming through the overhead loudspeakers.

Snowden claimed that he had "left paradise" 4 weeks ago...without any mention of gratitude or recognition for Russian hospitality--no doubt this fugitive from justice has more training in computer science than in International Relations. 

What consisted of a short, somewhat rambling speech, Snowden did not appear to be well-coached by his support network--quoted in his prepared statement ..." 'I believe' that the legal means to stay in Russia safely, to attempt to move to Latin America, is to request asylum in the Russian Federation." ..... "I can only at this time, formally accept...Ahhhhh, 'I suppose' legally accept, Ahhhh, asylum in Russia because of the limitations on my ability to travel."

Snowden asked for asylum in Russia 'again', a request he had previously withdrawn because of the conditions set forth by Russian president Putin in order to consider granting him asylum. 

With his U.S. passport canceled and his name on a No-Fly list--Snowden appears to cornered, in this 'real life' game of chess.
On June 9, 2013 The Guardian identified Snowden as the source behind the leaked details of the U.S surveillance program. At this time, his whistle-blowing quest has hit the wall of reality.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Don Charest wanted to join Tellico PD Reserve again--Request DENIED

Tellico Plains Chief of Police Jeb Brown revealed today that Monroe County resident Don Charest (former chief Isbell's buddy), recently tried to join the Volunteer Tellico Plains Police Dept. Reserve--The offer for his service was unequivocally denied. Chief Brown added that former chief Isbell's tenure will not be erased from the public's memory.

 Don Charest
UPDATE: Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury report--Cash, Guns, and Drugs missing --or unaccounted for, while Isbell was chief of police.
Whether or or not Coker Creek resident Don Charest ever officially served in the All-Volunteer Tellico Plains Police Dept. Reserve, or in what capacity, is unclear--former Tellico Plains Mayor Roger Powers claims that "he never put him on the reserve." Listen to former Mayor Powers for yourself--HERE

Anyone who is an active member in a police dept. can get E-Plates on their personal vehicle(s)--in Tennessee Emergency plates have a white background and display EMERGENCY below the alpha-numeric tag... Come to think of it, having E-plates on a personal vehicle would have been terrific 'bling' for Charest, who is a partner in a Gun Store business in Madisonville TN..

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Firefighter Rip Esselstyn on Plant-Based Diet

While it may be difficult to imagine that a Firehouse would be a place to find an all-vegan group...think again! Ten years ago Austin, Texas--firefighter Rip Esselstyn convinced his buddies to switch to an all-plant based diet--he is now a best selling author and the creator of the Engine 2 Diet, which follows a vegan menu. Rip's latest book is titled "My Beef with Meat." 
The book aims to educate people so they can make an informed decision about their most important asset, which is their health.

In a recent interview with Charlie Rose Rip said his biggest beef with meat was "Well, several things."
He added that his biggest beef with meat was "the disconnect between what people think is healthy and what we actually know to be healthy."

Some facts you may not be aware of about eating meat

  • Chicken has the same amount of cholesterol as red meat
  • Fish has more cholesterol than red meat or chicken
  • One egg yolk has the same amount of cholesterol as two Burger-King Whoppers
  • It clogs arteries
  • Contributes to Obesity
  • It fuels cancer
  • Trashes the environment
  • One glass of whole-milk has the same amount of saturated fat as four slices of bacon, and two times the calories

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Christ Wins lawsuit against Bivens in Federal Court

A Knoxville TN federal jury awards retired firefighter Christ Didymus Thomas $330.00 in compensatory damages for the unlawful search of his residence and seizure of his property. Since 2008, thousands of dollars worth of items seized by the MPD, have been returned to Thomas. 

Police chief Gregg Breeden
Court records show that on on February 22, 2008, Mark Sircy, a local telephone company employee, went to the home of the plaintiff, Christ Didymus Thomas (a recent move-in from Florida) for what presumably was a routine residential installation at the Windchase subdivision., in Madisonville TN.

During the service installation, the phone service employee and Thomas engaged in conversation. Thomas told Sircy of his religious beliefs, including his religious use of marijuana.
Sircy told Thomas about his uncle who he said grows marijuana.

According to the plaintiff (Thomas) he writes in that--- "I have the Deposition of the accused informant, Mark Sircy, by Madisonville cop, James D. Bivens, and the Bivens deposition. There was, as you could see, never an informant. Sircy denied Bivens statement and states he even went to the police department to complain they had lied about his involvement in their illegal activities against me. I am certain you could also check with Mark. He'll tell you the truth.

It was all a lie created by the Monroe Sheriff's Dept and the Madisonville Police Dept. Bivens including the Police Chief.. It was a broad based conspiracy which included many legal officials and the DA.  I was warned by another news agency, Bivens has more than once, lied on the stand to steal and jail innocent folks so they can steal their property. Judge Dixon allows him to lie and get away with his lying allegations. If you have access to a fax,  should you desire, I could fax you the Sircy and Bivens depositions for your review."


Sircy claimed that Thomas had given him a bag which contained a bud of marijuana. Upon leaving the residence Sircy contacted a friend at the Madisonville TN police dept., Captain Dan Russell. Sircy did not tell Russell who gave him the marijuana. 

Sircy testified that he did not talk to Det. Bivens at the time he contacted Captain Russell, nor did he, at any time, talk to Det. Bivens about marijuana allegedly obtained from the plaintiff or how he obtained it.

Based on hearsay the phone company installer had told Captain Russell, the defendant, Det. James Bivens went to the General Sessions Court of Monroe County and filled out an affidavit in support of his application for a search warrant...U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Phillips upheld an earlier state court ruling which declared the search warrant was invalid, because Bivens had made false statements in the application for the search warrant.

In an interview with the Monroe County Buzz in 2008, Thomas said he had legally changed his name from William Burton Thomas to Christ Didymus Thomas after experiencing a religious transformation. "Thomas said he used marijuana or 'incense' as he called it, for religious purposes, citing the Biblical book of Genesis where God created grass and every herb-yielding seed, and saw that it was good."

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Coker Creek Goldfest move marks the End of an Era

Update 2018: Sanford Gray's widow (Esther Gray), and daughter, (Marylu Atchley) almost sold the Coker Creek Village Property to a buyer from East, TN. -- The real estate deal that had been in the works for months did not go through, the buyer backed out of the deal. 

There was a 'falling out' with the Coker Creek Goldfest organizers back in 2012, also known as the Autumn Goldfest--since then, the historic 'Goldfest' (which was used to fund worthy causes), has been held nearby, in a much less desirable location: overlooking propane tanks and metal storage units. 
The change took place soon after Frank Murphy Jr., died; Murphy and Sanford Gray were the original organizers of the event. On the Coker Creek Village website, there's no mention that the Goldfest organizers were 'booted out' in 2012...

Update 2012: The autumn event of the historic 'Coker Creek Gold Festival' will take place at a new location; on the grounds of the Coker Creek Elementary School on the 13th and 14th of October. The Ruritan Club building (next to the school) will also be used for the event.

It was rumored as far back as 6 weeks ago that a major 'brouhaha' had been brewing between the movers and shakers that like to think they control most of the major happenings on Coker Creek Mountain.

The Gold Fest's founders (Frank Murphy Jr. and Sanford Gray) have passed on (R.I.P.).

You may hear more than one version as to why the event relocated: the most likely scenario is that the heirs of the Coker Creek Village property did not wish to continue to have the event take place on their property.

Another version claims the reason for moving the event to the Coker Creek Elementary School was a "mutual decision."... However, an insider who did not wish to be identified provided the following details:

  • The Ruritan president was given the option of having the event at the usual Coker Creek Village location this year, but he was advised it would be the last time--they would have to find another location.
  • Negotiations broke down and the Ruritaners decided to move the event this year--without having long range plans--it appears it was a case of 'if they dont' want us, we'll move now.' " No way to appease Mr. Pease..."
  • The Ruritaners contend that a document signed by Sanford Grey bequeathed the use of the Coker Creek Village property in perpetuity for the yearly 2 day Goldfest event, but they did not wish to pursue the matter in court. It is unclear even if such a document exists, how enforceable it would be in a legal stand-off.                                                                                                                                            

Murder victim and Coker Creek resident Franny Graham was a regular at the Ruritan Club gatherings. Some Ruritan members are also linked to the Coker Creek Welcome Center.

Had the Ruritaners accepted the offer to hold the event at the usual Coker Creek Village location this year, it would have given them ample time to come up with more than just one option for long term planning and future use.

The 94 plus acres that makes up the main property of Coker Creek Village is likely the most valuable parcel of land in Coker Creek. (Location, location, location.)

The Murphy Clan (who at one time owned the Coker Creek Village property) has nothing that compares...even with the thousands of acres they still own in Coker Creek.
The End of an Era in the Goldfest location is a significant means that the Murphy Clan and their 'hangers on' were not the arbiters of a major decision.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Man who did a Peter Pan from Bald River Falls 'slipped'

As we now have learned, the incident on July 28, 2012, that took almost two hours of emergency ops involving Forest Service, Rescue Squad, EMS, and MCSD., led to the death of Monroe County resident Ralph Ray Jr., of Ten Mile. The Forest Service incident commander confirmed that the accident victim had made it to the top ledge, but slipped and fell before he could direct his dive towards a spot away from rocks and boulders.

The MCSD confirmed that Ralph Ray Jr., age 46, Mans Hollow Road, died on the following day-- July 29, 2012 at the University of Tennessee Medical Center.

Climbing the falls is extremely dangerous, nevertheless, many visitors to the area still do it--and will likely continue to do it despite the recent tragedy. The initial call requested the Rescue Squad to assist a subject which had been trapped under a rock for ten minutes, at Bald River Falls. After getting the still unresponsive victim out from under the rock, a person on scene started CPR in a futile attempt to save the victim's life: it took a while for first responders to arrive on scene from Madisonville, which is a good 30+ mile distance.

To add to the confusion, one of the first responders unknowingly had an 'open mic' on his HT (handie talkie), which kept the radio repeater jammed up for a short time. All in all, it was a great example how well local agencies can work together in an emergency situation.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

For former mayor Powers: The chickens come home to roost

Who would have imagined?... after not being able to account for thousands in missing funds by the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury--former chief of police William "Bill" G. Isbell returns to Tellico Plains, sues the city for back pay he allegedly did not receive while Roger Powers was the city mayor--and after an agreed settlement, is awarded $1,328.

Some of the city council members had rejected (vetoed) the idea of appointing Isbell as Tellico Plains chief of police, perhaps to deflect any blame, in case things did not turn out well. However, Isbell's strongest supporter in the city council Harkey Yates, who many perceived as having more power than the mayor--succeeded in getting Isbell appointed, and the veto was struck down.

(Yates passed away last Christmas-eve, his sudden death was investigated as a possible homicide.)

"The chickens come home to roost"
Bad deeds or words return to discomfort their perpetrator
The notion of bad deeds, specifically curses, coming back to haunt their originator is long established--it dates back to 1390 when Geoffrey Chaucer used it in the The Parson's Tale:
And ofte tyme swich cursynge wrongfully retorneth agayn to hym that curseth, as a byrd that retorneth agayn to his owene nest.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Former Chief of Police William "Bill" G. Isbell investigated in Missing Money Probe

Missing or un-accounted: seized drugs, weapons, and money collected from fundraisers

The D.A.'s  position to not file charges won't change public opinion on Bill Isbell; despite the embellishment and hype that was spun on his alleged 'retirement.'...Particularly when you consider Unicoi County Sheriff Kent Harris was indicted, in part, for mis-appropriation of funds--close to the amount that the TPPD was unable to account for during Bill's Isbell's stint as chief of police.

Isbell-registered police website is shutdown.

As seen in the Advocate&Democrat News--Where did the Money Go?

"Among the findings, the former police chief received $3,800 in cash from four police fundraisers, but the money was never deposited into a town bank account.

Both Isbell and his top crony, Don Charest were 'booted out' of the Tellico Plains Police Dept, listen to Mayor Roger Powers in the link below.   For Charest, wearing a reserve officer badge was important, the feeling of power and authority was paramount--he tried to 'cozy up' to the 2013 chief of police (Jeb Brown),  wanting to bring back the Isbell--Era police squad,  but failed.

As of 2016, The Tellico Plains Police Dept. is still in a public relations 'damage control mode' from the scandals during Isbell's  tenure as police chief--although, the present day TPPD is a stark contrast, and many agree that it's one of the best police dept's in the county.

The 2014 disqualification of Sheriff Randy White led to the interim appointment of Tommy Jones, a young and inexperienced fill-in--Charest wormed his way into the good graces of sheriff Tommy Jones, and, this time he got a Monroe County Sheriff reserve officer badge...

William "Bill" Isbell
Don Charest


Monday, December 19, 2011

Chief Bryan Graves warns: 'it's not time to celebrate' global conflicts continue

Recently back from his second military tour this year, Monroe County Sheriff Chief Deputy Bryan Graves' comments mirror the sentiments of other military experts who warn—even if the war in Iraq is over--Global conflicts continue.

Imagine that you wake up tomorrow and discover that Israeli planes had conducted a bombing raid on Iran...How would your world have changed?

Spy drone seized by Iran
Robert Baer, a longtime CIA analyst who spent over two decades in the Middle East is predicting that Israel will bomb Iran in the near future, which would likely drag the United States into another large scale war—just when returning veterans arrive home from (what officially marks), the end of the war in Iraq. See Harry Kreisler and Robert Baer Video--Dealing with Iran.

Iran threatens to close the Strait of Hormuz to international oil shipments if sanctions are placed on Iranian oil exports. 

Confidential sources in Israel have publicly warned that Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are determined to go to war with Iran.
Former Israeli Intelligence chief Meir Dagan has said there is almost “near certainty” that Israel is planning an attack on Iran, which Israel hopes would “draw the United States into the conflict.”

It would be a nightmare scenario--the Israeli air force would attack "Natanz and other nuclear facilities” to degrade their capabilities. The Iranians would strike back: in Basra, Baghdad, and other key military targets in Israel. The United States would come into the conflict with attacks on Iranian targets. It's a nightmare scenario. We don't have enough troops in the Middle East to fight a war like that." Baer added, "I think we are looking into the abyss."

The recent downing of a U.S spy drone shows Iran would be a formidable opponent. The Christian Science Monitor interviewed an Iranian engineer who claims that Iran managed to jam the drone’s electronic communication links by forcing it to shift into autopilot mode. When the drone (allegedly) kicked into autopilot mode--the engineer claims Iran spoofed the drone’s GPS system with false coordinates, enabling them to "electronically ambush" the drone--fooling it into thinking it was close to home, and land it in Iran without damage.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Judge Blackwood: Baumgartner turned the 'Drug Court into a Farce'

Judge John Kerry Blackwood's long awaited ruling--allows the defendants in the Christian-Newsom murder case re-trials. The ruling may affect thousands of cases previously tried in former Judge Richard Baumgartner's courtroom.

Judge John Kerry Blackwood
The close to 10 minute ruling, in which at one point almost brings him to tears, is clearly one of the most important and difficult rulings that Judge John Kerry Blackwood has made.

He set the tone by saying, "A Judge that is presiding over a Drug Court, to try to help people beat their addiction--nothing can be more nobler than that, nothing can be nobler than that. And then, the administrator of the addicts, is not only an addict himself using drugs, but he is using a court addict to get his own." Watch the judge's ruling VIDEO.

The FBI considers Public Corruption one of it's top investigative priorities--behind only to domestic terrorism. Public corruption costs the U.S. and the public billions of dollars every year. Judge Baumgartner showed a rare glimpse of his mental depravity and possible mental illness...saying, "as we all know, the federal authorities think they are above God."

Friday, October 14, 2011

Modern Day protests have a new Ally...'the Internet' levels playing field

UPDATE 10/20/2011 School Officials will allow students to wear shirts in support of Straight-Gay alliances. as reported in Knoxnews.

When Sequoyah High School Senior Chris Sigler complained that he was allegedly assaulted by Principal Maurice Moser for wearing a shirt in support of Gay-Straight clubs--it began a 'Sunami like' wave of awareness and interest for the protection of civil rights. The online petition in support for an investigation now numbers over 100,000 signatures.
Sigler is in the less than 1% of the population, that will defend a right he believes was violated--for his courage, Chris should he hailed as a 'Hero.' In reality, this is not just a Pro-Gay or anti-Gay issue, the 'big picture' is nestled in a much wider scope that could have far reaching implications--affecting educational levels, new corporate investments, and commerce.


The Protests in lower Manhattan: Lawyer Jerry Silk sets his 'BULLSEYE' on NY banks

The current protests of the group labeled as 'Occupy Wall Street' are not just taking place in the streets of lower Manhattan in New York--several large corporations are furious at big banks they feel squandered their investor-shareholder wealth in a short amount of time.

Attorney Jerry Silk represents several large institutional investors that had billions invested--in what supposedly were, 'stable' mortgage-backed securities. Many individuals that lost a large part of their pensions and retirement funds, share the same anger as the protesters in the street.

Silk says "The public wants to know how this happened, and how so much investor-shareholder wealth evaporated in such a short period of time, no one has been held accountable at this point... we have not seen any significant or meaningful action by the SEC or the Justice Dept against the main players in this has created, I think, an enormous amount of concern at the institutional investor level as well as the protester level."

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Isbell-registered Tellico Plains Police website is Shutdown

On April 9, 2008--William G. Isbell and William Wells III created a Tellico Plains Police website: A short time later, it was announced in the local media as, "the launch of the first city police website to go online in Monroe county."
(Website designer/ Social Media Coach William Wells III moved to Minnesota in 2011.)

As it turns out, what was supposed to be a city government website--was registered to Isbell, at his personal P.O. Box in Coker Creek TN....Isbell was the appointed chief of police at the time. 
Isbell-registered Police website

This lack of oversight by the previous mayor--may be just one of many issues that the new mayor will have to address. This unusual arrangement could have been used to influence public opinion, coerce city government (by what they posted or NOT posted), or by violating the federal civil rights of suspects that had not yet been brought to trial--to benefit William G. Isbell, in the 2010 Monroe County Sheriff's election.

The website shows Shutdown/Inactive status since 8/27/2011--a week after a complaint was filed on 8/22/2011.

Bill Isbell
William Wells III
The Website administrator--William Wells III, (a media darling now living in Minnesota) had not posted that the Tellico Plains City Council had appointed it's first female chief of police, (Tonia Norwood), several months ago.

If you were to ask any municipal city administrator, manager, or mayor--Is your City Police website registered to the Chief of Police?...You would likely get a response of... "You must be joking."

See the inventory report from the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury...Drugs, Guns, Cash from Fundraisers missing or un-accounted Did former chief of police Isbell appropriate anything else that should have been in the name of the Tellico Plains Police Dept. or the City of Tellico Plains?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Air Evac Helicopter hits powerline near Reliance Rd. in Polk County TN

Fire Chief: it was an unusual takeoff "he was actually flying into that draw"

When interviewed a couple of hours later by Chattanooga News Channel 9 Lindsay Jackson,, he colors some of the details, suggesting the mishap on how the sun was shining.

Chief Stephen "lofty goals" Lofty says: "I actually looked, and because of the way the sun was shining back this way you could not see those cables..."

The power line cables were very close to the ground, at a considerable distance from the landing zone, in airspace that the pilot should not have been flying in...see how far and how close to ground the power lines were in this wide angle and zoom VIDEO.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Chief Deputy Bryan Graves recovers after deer vs. motorcycle accident

Monroe County Sheriff Chief Deputy Bryan Graves is recovering from what could have been, and (statistically) is a much more serious accident; which often times results in a fatality or spinal cord injury.

On Sunday night, while driving his motorcycle to a National Guard Armory drill to prepare for what would have been his 3rd deployment overseas, Bryan says he was--"less than 300' feet from the driveway, a deer jumped out beside me, and ran beside me for just a minute, and then it jumped in front of me and swept the front wheel out."

The community sends thoughts and prayers to Chief Deputy Graves for a safe recovery. Chief Deputy Graves is one of the greatest assets in the Monroe County Sheriff's Dept.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Defense Attorney Shari T. Young 'Jumps Ship'-takes job with D.A.

As per TBPR: Attorney Young was not a Public Defender

Attorney Shari Tayloe Young
Defense Attorney Shari Tayloe Young, now a partner in the Cleveland Law firm of Crump, Richardson, and Young was appointed and accepted the task of representing Jessica Powers last March.
'Special judge' Walter C. Kurtz who was brought in from Nashville to preside over the trial, appointed Shari Young when the initial attorney from the public defender's Office, Jeanne Wiggins, asked to be allowed to step down due to a conflict of interest.

The Jim Miller murder case is arguably one of the most high-profile court cases in the history of Monroe County-- it can be in many ways, a 'career-making case.' When a local newspaper on 6/27/2011 described Attorney Young as a 'public defender' from Cleveland, who asked to be released from the case after she took a job in the Fifth Judicial District with the District Attorney's Office--it undoubtedly 'stirred the rumor mill' with questions of legal ethics. 

The 'spin on the facts' as to why Attorney Young asked to be removed as defense attorney is still unraveling, particularly when it has been learned Attorney Young is not stepping down from any other ongoing legal cases at Crump, Richardson, and Young.

If the Fifth Judicial District is not associated with the 10th Judicial District, and there is no conflict of interest--why step down as Powers' defense attorney? Why did she accept the case in the first place?....and then quit 4 months later while the case was still in the pre-trial stage?....

An email received today from the Tennessee Board of Professional Responsibility has helped to clarify at least one of the questions raised: ......"What the newspaper labeled a public defender, and who is really a public defender are two different things. There is the Public Defender's Office and the attorneys that work there. When there is a conflict, the judge appoints a private attorney who is not from the public defender's office, but who is paid by the administrative office of the courts to represent a defendant who cannot afford legal counsel. If the attorney was working at a private law firm and was appointed, she was not really a public defender and does not work there." --end quote.

The defendant in the Jim Miller murder case is now on her 3rd court-appointed defense attorney. Knoxville-based Attorney John Eldridge is Jessica Power's new defense attorney--the case is still only in the pre-trial motions stage.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bill Isbell's wife sues Monroe County in Federal Court

The ex-Tellico Plains Chief of Police's wife, Marie Anne Isbell, filed a federal lawsuit: includes Monroe County, and the newly appointed EMS Director Randy White as defendants.

The plaintiff (Isbell), alleges she was not re-hired by Monroe County EMS after the new EMS Director was appointed, part because her husband (Bill Isbell), did not support Randy White for Sheriff in the general election last year. Bill Isbell was investigated in a missing money probe by the TN State Comptroller...

The lawsuit does not state any specific monetary amount--although it seeks compensation due to lost wages, pain, suffering, humiliation, and embarrassment.
You can view the entire complaint in the Justia website link below.
Isbell vs. Monroe County TN et al

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Probe of Questionable Talent in Dept. of Finance

Many residents who have been victims of drivers under the influence, believe Monroe County Finance Department Director Brian Tallent received a 'slap in the hand' -- after being charged with 2 DUI's in the same weekend. See the aftermath of BT's rampage which closed down Madisonville for several days.

Mayor Tim Yates made a motion to terminate BT (Brian Tallent), during a meeting of the finance committee on Tuesday, October 12,....a recent probe shows BT made several purchases that are un-accounted for, or were not received by the county departments for which said items were purchased. BT resigned on Tuesday Oct.19, at the monthly meeting of the County Commission.
Sheriff Bill Bivens released this statement on Tallent's arrest."It is very unfortunate that this happened. Obviously, Brian has some personal issues that he must directly face. Brian, like many others, was held over as an auxiliary with the sheriff's office when the administration changed. He has remained on the list as an auxiliary officer and was inactive and has not worked with the current administration. In light of the current situation, Brian will be removed from the list of auxiliaries.