Given the intense interest into the disappearance of the Indonesian B-777...and a recently received email from a friend...I thought that you all might like to read this short message. I was his First Officer (Co-Pilot) for two or three months prior to my upgrading to Captain in 1995. He and I then served together as Line Check Airman in the B-727 for a number of years. He is an ex-Air Force F-15 pilot and is now either a MD-11 or B-777 Captain for a transport company.
A retired 3-star USAF general said (on Fox News) on the 18th of March 2014 that Boeing received it's last 'ping' from the Malaysian 777, while on the ground in western Pakistan, in a Taliban controlled area, near the Afghanistan border.
While flying between Paris and New Delhi (LFPG-VIPD), we were going to fly right over that area--when talking with Kabul Control, we were told to "OFFSET COURSE 10 NAUTICAL MILES TO THE NORTH, TO AVOID MILITARY AREA."
Having flown this part of the world for the last 3.5 years, I have never been asked to offset that much in that area, EVEN WHILE THE WAR WAS GOING ON.
The 'three star' is General Tom Mclnerney. General Mclnerney has been a Fox News contributor for quite a while. He comes across as an intelligent, sober and connected man. He is always quite measured in his responses and is not one to wander off "into the woods" by trying to make people think that he is knowledgeable about subject matter that he has little understanding of. On two occasions recently, the General has stated unequivocally that the missing B-777 is "on the ground in western Pakistan in a Taliban controlled area."
A retired 3-star USAF general said (on Fox News) on the 18th of March 2014 that Boeing received it's last 'ping' from the Malaysian 777, while on the ground in western Pakistan, in a Taliban controlled area, near the Afghanistan border.
While flying between Paris and New Delhi (LFPG-VIPD), we were going to fly right over that area--when talking with Kabul Control, we were told to "OFFSET COURSE 10 NAUTICAL MILES TO THE NORTH, TO AVOID MILITARY AREA."
Having flown this part of the world for the last 3.5 years, I have never been asked to offset that much in that area, EVEN WHILE THE WAR WAS GOING ON.
The 'three star' is General Tom Mclnerney. General Mclnerney has been a Fox News contributor for quite a while. He comes across as an intelligent, sober and connected man. He is always quite measured in his responses and is not one to wander off "into the woods" by trying to make people think that he is knowledgeable about subject matter that he has little understanding of. On two occasions recently, the General has stated unequivocally that the missing B-777 is "on the ground in western Pakistan in a Taliban controlled area."