Learn about modern radio communications--get ready in case cell phones and land line phones are not working due to a nationwide emergency... If the power grid is down for several days or even weeks ham radio operators may be the only ones that will have the means to communicate and pass on emergency radio traffic--this Friday and Saturday 10/14 to 10/15--location of event is at 1517 Tombras Ave. East Ridge TN 37412--don't miss it...Search on your browser for Chattanooga Ham Radio Festival if you need additional information as well as your local ham radio club to learn about ham radio.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
John Loach Admits to Lying in Court, then Tries to Pass a Note to the Judge
In 2021, Miranda Cheatham sought an acquittal or to have her case retried on the grounds that her defense team obtained a barely audible secret recording that they claimed showed a conflict of interest by the DA...More in Cleveland Daily Banner.
John Loach, the witness who made the secret recording openly admitted while on the witness stand that yes, he lied sometimes...
Passing a note or anything at all to a judge during a court proceeding is 'unheard of' ...See how gracefully Judge Don Ash handles the situation. The John Loach testimony is towards the end of the video.
It may be the first and only time you see a witness unwittingly incriminate himself like this: ...Watch Court Hearing on YouTube.
Friday, August 5, 2022
County Elections seen as a Victory for the Public Good
Monroe County Road Superintendent--Incumbent Steve Teague wins over Richard Best's 2nd try to get in the county road superintendent position...RB was seen sitting down in election posters wearing what looked like a light green pajama shirt..."What the heck were you thinkin' Richard?"
Monroe County Mayor--Mitch Ingram defeated Tim Yates for the second time--Mitch Ingram 4,116--Tim Yates 1,993
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Monroe County School Bus Contractors Unite, Demand More Money
In a rarely seen unified effort to demand more money from the Monroe County School Board, 3 long time school bus contractors are refusing the latest contract offer from the school system --watch video on how School Bus Drivers Gettin' Screwed
A strange twist on how the school board is using your tax dollars; they recently spent close to $300,000 to buy out the contract of former director of schools Dr DeAnna McClendon. The buyout agreement included provisions that McClendon would not sue the school system or publicly discuss the secret agreements worked out by the school board and her lawyer. It is believed that the firing and the 'cover up' was over the school board wanting to continue their history of mismanagement and 'back room deals' with little public input or oversight. Go to the next school board meeting (if they'll let you in).
Update 7/16/2022 Just a couple of weeks from the start of school and director of schools Kristie Windsor still 'using evasive tactics' when dealing with the news media: refusing interviews.
The current revolt by the main bus contractors is a rare event--in years past, they would just offer a low salary to school bus drivers and continue operations doing 'business as usual.'... several factors have contributed to the unified 'cry for more money' ...
Several employee/drivers are not returning after the summer break (two of the contractors in the video had over 35 drivers employed)... some drivers have within the last two years retired or will soon retire. A bus contractor in 2020 unable to hire additional help, was overworked and crashed into a tree while "functionally asleep" at the wheel.
Let's not forget bus contractors have skyrocketing diesel fuel and operating costs, and there is little incentive to attract new drivers since there are many area wide options for employment--there's also an increased difficulty for new applicants to get a school bus CDL license now that the new federal MAP-21 provisions have been implemented--getting a CDL now is much more time consuming and expensive--and, the training has to be provided by an accredited federal/state program. The new requirements are effective for all new driver training performed after February 7, 2022. See School Bus Entry Level Driver Requirements
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Excluding Monroe EMS from Post Incident Debriefing Was a Violation of H.R. 5852
"The Homeland Security Act" was amended in 2006 adding hr5852, (5) which includes provisions for inter-agency inter-operabilty and cooperation to 'conduct extensive outreach to foster the development of interoperable emergency communications capabilities by State, regional, local governments, and public safety agencies.'
It also describes ways to (8) 'promote the development of best practices to facilitate the sharing of information for achieving, maintaining, and enhancing inter agency cooperation capabilities for such response.'
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
For The Second Time in the DA's Race, Hatchett Gets The Axe
Two candidates including long-time DA wannabe Steve Hatchett, lost to their opponent despite having many times more road-side placards. In the past, Hatchett admitted that his ability to hold the public trust was "time-limited" so if elected, he would only serve two terms. That was one of the most absurd comments ever heard from anyone seeking public office, much less from a member of the legal profession.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
During the Tommy Jones / Randy White Honeymoon
He Betrayed Randy White, Can he Ever Be Trusted
Political scandals are part of a politician's public record: Richard Nixon is remembered for the Watergate Scandal -- Tommy Jones is remembered for the Alijahgate Scandal.
In (2014) Tommy Jones was a virtual unknown (dog handler) that Randy White chose as his chief deputy; a position of trust which led to Tommy admitting that "in the meantime, I'll be the sheriff" while Randy dealt with some technical glitches.
Tommy now wants to be your 'forever sheriff' -- he has done a reasonable job with the drug epidemic--however, his lack of experience and his overwhelming desire to stay on as sheriff has compromised his ability to do what's right...
The MCSD having switched from the analog radio system to the digital Motorola system may cost Monroe county a huge increase in the budget--a technician at Fine Communications said that Motorola wants to add at least three additional tower sites to improve radio signals at a cost of about 1.5 million dollars per site. Analog communications is better for counties with mostly rural mountain terrain--nearby agencies that have kept analog service include US Forest Service, Polk County TN, McMinn County TN, and Cherokee County NC.
Tommy's 'costly' mishandling of the January 2022 Alijah Kensinger missing child alert and lack of cooperation with Monroe EMS may disqualify him and hopefully even get him indicted and barred from further LEO service: After the election will hopefully bring about a full investigation to see 'what really happened' during the two day 'circus' put on by Tommy and his handlers. They staged a major 19 hour production while the 'lost and disoriented' victim sat under a tree less than a mile from home...it's clear that he endangered the life of 6 year old Alijah and exposed the county to an expensive civil lawsuit by disregarding state and federal guidelines even though he had been told to 'stand down' by the EMS director.
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Trucking Company in Deadly Loudon County Crash may be liable for Millions in Damages
Watch safety manager Dean Huth talk about cases where juries have awarded millions of dollars in damages paid out by trucking companies.
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Official Version of Alijah Kensinger Search, Simply 'Not Credible'
Update: Several witnesses as well as video and photo evidence shows the 'official version' of events is different from what really occurred: which points to an elaborate ruse using a helpless 6-year-old medical transport patient. Within hours, the missing child became a pawn in what may be one of the most egregious cases of law enforcement misconduct in Monroe County TN.
An eyewitness sums it up like this -- "It started on the afternoon of 1/13/22, when 6-year-old Alijah wandered off on a familiar hiking trail behind the house, living with the paternal grandmother. As we now know (he was sitting under a tree about (less than a mile) from the house)... if he was ever lost or unable to find his way back, he had been told to 'stay where you are, and we will find you.' Instead of rapidly forming a grid search and yelling out for the kid, the event was blown way out of proportion with 3 noisy helicopters, 7 federal and state agencies, and news media from Knoxville camped out at the Coker Creek School parking area for 2 days, (there were even food vendors) -- it was designed to be a next day 'golden opportunity' public relations (PR) event for the sheriff."
It turned into something so twisted and sinister that Monroe EMS was prevented from joining the post-incident debriefing...? Post-incident debriefing looks for answers to how well prepared were we, how well did we perform, and how we can perform better in the future...?
What was so damaging that Tommy Jones didn't want anyone to know? ...from a logistical standpoint, Tommy Jones failed miserably: thousands of dollars foolishly spent in overnight flight hours which also hindered the ground search, and a young victim who almost died exposed to 17 hours of near-freezing 30* degree temperature:... so he had to find a way to recoup for the following day, and again he screwed that up too!... You often hear of 'dumb criminals' posting incriminating photos on 'facebook' and getting caught--that's exactly what he did...'go-figure'.
Publicity Stunt At Any Cost |
Would Tommy Jones risk the safety of a 6-year-old boy to get an advantage in the May 3rd election--and, if part of this two-day operation was 'staged' could there be other details that should be uncovered?
Late Friday morning 1/14/22, Tommy's hand-picked goons brought Alijah from the walking trail site behind the grandmother's house to the command center and parked as far as possible from the waiting ambulance so they could parade south from the farthest spot in the parking lot, right up to the waiting news media... this publicity stunt on a busy state route endangered everyone involved-the gathered crowd looks on as Tommy's water boy Jason Fyllyaw tries to offer some protection and ready-made excuses: it's ironic that nearly two weeks later, a sheriff's deputy was killed on a busy highway while outside of his patrol car.
When EMS Director Randy White became aware Alijah was found he gave specific instructions that the ambulance crew would come and take over: his order was ignored even though improperly handling a patient who may have suffered trauma increases the risk for cardiac arrest… without regard to standard medical protocol, the six year old was loaded in the back of a truck and brought near the command center so he could be carried by Sheriff Jones on a busy highway ‘like a trophy' ...
“Has Tommy Jones lost his friggin’ mind?”...mishandling a medical transport patient, (a possible trauma victim) can lead to horrendously expensive legal costs... Courts have ruled that 'emotional distress' is mental suffering caused by a particular event or negligence. As such, it is possible to file a civil lawsuit on the grounds of emotional distress to receive compensation for the damage caused.
New details emerge from a recent video interview with the 6 year old's mother, in what is now regarded as a 2 day 'Theater of the Absurd'...Why did it take 19 hours to find the missing 6 year old boy who supposedly was under a tree about a mile away from home near a walking trail behind the house? An attempt to spread 'disinformation' that Alijah took shelter overnight in an abandoned house is a PR damage control ploy.
His mother said he was taught to stay in-place if he was ever lost...and she confirms that Alijah had symptoms of trauma, unable to discuss the events until days after being back home." We may never know if news of the discovery was kept secret until late Friday morning to optimize publicity of the event for Sheriff Jones...The actual person that supposedly found the boy 'Trenton Debity' never appeared before the waiting TV camera crews (unusual to not make a comment in a situation like this)--instead, search volunteer Stone Gray who was 'nearby', made some comments...but left many unanswered questions.
Alijah's mother picked up the child and left town; if not for the loud helicopter noise, you likely could have yelled out for Alijah from the grandmother's porch--the mother has ties to Washington state, Knoxville TN, and her parents in Virginia...when found, Alijah's first words were "where's my daddy?" The burden of the horrible ordeal must have been devastating for all, especially for the paternal grandmother who lives near the Coker Creek Welcome Center--she had custody of the child or he had been left there by the parents.
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Lack of Leadership at Monroe County Schools, Fentanyl Epidemic Sends Shockwave
Recently appointed Director of Schools Dr Kristie Lady Windsor ducks the news cameras during latest crisis at Monroe County Sequoyah High School, where three people were taken to the hospital and a student was arrested after a vape pen exposed fentanyl—the school was forced to close for three days. Lady Windsor (no relation to the Queen of England) is the complete opposite of former Director of Schools Dr DeAnna McClendon, who did not run from the gathered news media at the 2020 school bus crash--McClendon was fired by the white power elite for being a strong woman of color...an investigation into the near deadly bus crash was promised but never made public--some believe the secrecy of this 'cover-up' led to former transportation director Charlie Lee to resign and the school board giving McClendon nearly $300,000 of taxpayer funds as ‘hush money’ before her contract expired.
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Tellico Plains HS Coach Shawn Yates Admits to Spit Tobacco Use on Campus
What are the long-term effects on impressionable young adults, should Coach Shawn Yates be mandated to go into rehab?
Although he has tried to explain that he does it at certain times, it may not prevent a slew of legal issues--as a parent, you should be concerned and mad as hell as to why and who approved the use of tobacco, (a level 1 carcinogen that some consider harder to kick than heroin) by a faculty member during school hours...Monroe County Tellico Plains HS Athletics Director Shawn Yates (a close friend of director of schools Dr Kristie Windsor) has admitted in writing, to regular use of spit tobacco on campus during school hours...
Lawsuits against schools for failing to keep students safe during the Covid 19 pandemic have become commonplace and expensive: to avoid a legal battle, the school board recently paid former director Dr Deanna McClendon nearly $300,000 to go away and keep their dirty secrets private.
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
When Covid turns into more than just a cold
Delta Variant Fuels Covid Surge Among the Unvaccinated
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Miami Building Collapse Linked to Greed and Gross Incompetence
The recent condominum building collapse in Miami may bring a surge of new Florida migrants to East TN —a lack of proper maintenance by the condominium board of directors may have contributed to this deadly tragedy…Early on during the construction the permits were pulled due to somebody’s bright idea of putting a penthouse apartment which was never part of the original design—after a few days, the developer was able to get a waiver and continue with the added weight of the penthouse: it’s unknown if any structural allowances were made to deal with the thousands of tons of unplanned weight the penthouse brought to the buiding’s design.
As recently as 2018, there are numerous accounts of strange noises and lack of proper upkeep to the building.
Monday, March 8, 2021
Dismissal Of Director McClendon Shrouded in Secrecy
Upon review by the Blogger team this post was reinstated.
Dr DeAnna McClendon took what appears to some as a "payoff" for keeping quiet on a scandal that could affect the lives of Monroe County students--despite the attempt to make pleasing remarks... the secrecy surrounding the mutual agreement to pay off the remainder of her contract at a cost of nearly $300,000 has raised eyebrows. This has impacted race relations, kept important information from the general public, and set a horrible example for students--they (the school board) stopped short of passing a resolution to make the Dire Straits hit single "Money for Nothing" the official theme song for the school system.
Despite her advanced learning degree, cradling two cell phones and flanked by her attorney; she went against the cardinal rule that anyone should follow when under investigation: Professor James Duane advises anyone who is under investigation to 'keep their mouth shut.'...More often than you can imagine—Any public comment you make, even if it may seem exculpatory-simply 'cannot help you.'...
She used a 'conversational rip cord' to quickly end the news conference, but it worked against her--If you take a careful look at what was said - "I feel overwhelmed by the support that is here tonight; because THEY (pointing to the crowd) care about the children." She never switches to a first-person narrative using "I" or "We" during her brief comments and for a second time goes back to 'She knows these people care about children.'
When was the last time you heard that anyone in Monroe County was dismissed from a job, and received almost $300,000 to simply 'go away' and not sue the employer?...What was the school board wanting to keep secret? ...If you think it was just a 'racial thing'...think again--Lady D 'sold out' and tarnished her legacy: she should have exposed misconduct and stayed at her post until the end of her contract...At the present time--only a few insiders know about the 'back room deal' that led to a contract extension before she walked away with almost $300,000...
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
School Bus Driver and 20 Students Survive Near Fatal Crash
Upon review, the Blogger team reinstated this post citing it did not violate community guidelines...
Date of Crash: 11/5/2020--A long time Monroe County school bus contractor crashed into a large tree on Wilson Station road at approximately 7:26 AM...
Weather appears to not have been a factor and no other vehicles were involved--Not at an intersection or near a driveway. Tennessee Highway Patrol trooper James Fox felt the driver was compliant and did not detect impairment, therefore an alcohol test was 'not given' and a drug test was 'not given'...even though several students were transported to the hospital. Director of Schools DeAnna McClendon said county officials would conduct drug and alcohol tests on the driver, but he wasn't suspended or fired: he was back behind the wheel shortly after the horrific accident. (THP was the lead investigator and stated on their report they did not give the driver a drug or alcohol test)--Even if the county did administer a drug and alcohol test on the driver--falling asleep at the wheel may have been a factor, which has been a topic of conversation—a search of the driver’s cell phone should have gone beyond the time of the crash to see if he had been up texting or playing video games the night before the crash, then driving while “functionally asleep at the wheel” during the time of the time of the crash.
Two sources close to the driver said county officials urged him to continue to drive (not confirmed) the afternoon route on the same day of the accident but the driver refused--he took a couple of days off. *This incident underscores the need for better driver training and the importance of implementing the upcoming federal guidelines outlined in the MAP-21 provisions ...
Monroe County has one of the lowest pay scales for school bus drivers anywhere in the country. Some contractors, unable to find drivers to fill positions are forced to drive double routes--which can lead to driver fatigue. With the Corona Virus pandemic and an aging driver fleet, the driver shortage situation will get worse.
How does crash history affect CMV (commercial motor vehicle) licensed drivers? If you are driving a CMV and are involved in a crash, your crash history will stay on your driving record--whether you are at fault or not--information about the crash will be sent to the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration)...School Bus operations and transportation performed by anyone under a contract with a school is considered a 'for hire' motor carrier.The more crashes you and your company experience, the worse your grades on the crash BASIC database and the more likely that the FMCSA will intervene to find out what you might be doing wrong.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Atlanta Based Corporate God Franchise Buys Coker Creek Village
Rumors of a sale had festered for years, and now finally, the sale of the near 90-acre compound known as Coker Creek Village has been sold to a Spanish-speaking Group. It seems to be a well-funded religious corporation, and Spanish is their preferred language...and they are truly wonderful people.
As seen on their website https://institutobiblicoeltabernaculo.org -- the buyer's signature is barely readable on the sales contract, for which they wrote a check to Marilu Atchley (who inherited the property from her parents) for $1,050,000 to buy the property -- there were no special covenants or provisions attached to the sale -- which means that they can build or do anything they want with the property.
They held their first 'meet and greet' gathering Saturday 8/29/2020--in which they met a few of the local gentry--for the most part, the "welcome" sign was meant for their Atlanta area visitors who are for the most part, Atlanta area residents. They seemed grateful to be close to nature in their new Church compound, even if they can only visit on certain weekends--it's not known if they will keep the 'Coker Creek Village' name...it was a joyous celebration--which included music, food, and conversation. Their mission statement is shown on their website.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Early Warning of the Corona Virus
On New Year's Day, Blue Dot, a Toronto based medical detectives company founded by infectious disease physician Dr Kamran Khan raised the alarm of what is now known as the "Corona Virus" Covid-19.
Back in December 2019, a Chinese newspaper reported that 27 cases of a mysterious flu like illness had likely originated in a Wuhan market, where live animals are kept in cages and killed while customers watch. VIDEO
Many experts are now investigating to see if this is where the disease made the leap from animals to humans.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Could the Corona Virus Spread like the Black Plague in the 1340's?
"The plague arrived in Europe when 12 trading ships had docked at the Sicilian Port of Messina. People gathered at the docks were met with a horrifying surprise: Most sailors on the ships were dead, and those still alive were gravely ill and covered in black boils that oozed blood and pus. Sicilian authorities hastily ordered the fleet of "death ships" out of the harbor, but it was too late:
Over the next 5 years, the Black Death would kill more than 20 million people in Europe--at the time, this was about one-third of the continents's population." History.com
Doctors battling the Corona Virus in New York City are under extreme pressure, in the likes of which they have never endured. One was quoted as saying--" As doctors we are used to pressure, we are used to seeing a lot of things that normal people don't see, but this is really beyond anything I've seen in my career."
For the latest updates on the Coronavirus outbreak--TN department of health website.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Remote Area Medical Free Healthcare Clinic
Remote Area Medical founder Stan Brock was a cowboy and TV actor turned philanthropist--he was 82 when he passed away a couple of years back--Stan's mission was clear: preventing pain and alleviating suffering.
Update: 4/1/2020---Due to the Coronavirus some clinics may be canceled or postponed
Find out when a clinic may be in your area--check out the RAM USA website RAMUSA.Org
Monday, November 25, 2019
Celebrity 'Con Man' Todd Sweet on Most Wanted List
One of the smoothest talking con men that ever passed through East TN is wanted as of 11/20/2019 for passing worthless checks in Bradley County
Worthy of a Netflix documentary--considered (non-violent) and smarter than most law enforcement officers he has encountered: after walking away from a prison work farm in Michigan (2008) he went on a cross country crime spree.
While in Monroe County he told some area businesses and cops that he was an heir to a fortune and even convinced two Sweetwater PD cops to retire because he had promised them high paying security guard jobs.
After he was brought back to Monroe County in 2008, he was part of the infamous 'fake attorney scandal' while he was housed in the Monroe County jail--in which Sweet, and two former MCSD detectives played an elaborate ruse on a jailed inmate.
read more on the fake attorney case Courthousenews
Worthy of a Netflix documentary--considered (non-violent) and smarter than most law enforcement officers he has encountered: after walking away from a prison work farm in Michigan (2008) he went on a cross country crime spree.
After he was brought back to Monroe County in 2008, he was part of the infamous 'fake attorney scandal' while he was housed in the Monroe County jail--in which Sweet, and two former MCSD detectives played an elaborate ruse on a jailed inmate.
read more on the fake attorney case Courthousenews
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Farm Hands Band at Cherohala Skyway Festival
It was a windy and overcast Saturday, but the rain stayed away making the 4th annual October 26, 2019 Cherohala Skyway Heritage Bluegrass Festival a huge success at the Charles Hall Museum fairgrounds.
There were pioneer demonstrations, wagon rides, antique tractors, lots of food vendors, artisans, wood carvers, and several musical acts.
The Farm Hands were recently profiled on Bluegrass Today, but there is still no official word whether guest fiddle player Kimberley Bibb will become a permanent member of the band or an occasional guest artist--let's hope she stays on!
Friday, August 23, 2019
Lessons Learned Since the 911 Attacks
The NCTC is an information hub: made up of over a 1,000 members who fused together the operational strategy which led to the capture of Osama Bin Laden, and since then has prevented several terrorist plots. New measures now provide more in-depth sharing of information to provide analysis of critical threats.
Some of the 911 terrorists scouted areas near the tri-state area--in Cherokee County NC, and Polk County TN asking seemingly tourist-type questions during their numerous intelligence gathering trips.
Foreign agents often pose as 'diplomats' -- as was reported by a nearby *resident who spoke with a person driving an SUV with tinted windows (in one of the most desolate no-outlet back-roads around) saying he/or they were from the Atlanta Office of the Russian Consulate and were 'lost', trying to make their way to Knoxville. The group may have been scouting secluded areas without cell phone coverage for secret meetings. No cell-phone reception means their location cannot be 'pinged' by cell phone towers.
* In a later conversation with the elderly gentleman his level of education was obvious: I said, "you are a former state department guy" to which he said, "how did you know that?" ... it was just a guess...the way he imitated the Russian dialect clearly showed his linguistic skills were above average.
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Growth in Tourism Linked to Charles Hall
It began when he appeared before a Congressional House Committee which funded the construction of the the Cherohala Skyway- a multi million dollar road project which connects Robbinsville, North Carolina and Tellico Plains.
The town's public library was another project directly linked to him and other civic leaders--we thank Charles and his family for his legacy and his outstanding leadership as well as the local business community which enriches the quality of life and attracts newcomers to come and visit, enjoy, and often make Tellico Plains their new home. Be sure to stop by the Charles Hall Museum.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Russ 'Barney' Parks Is Out as Tellico Plains Police Chief
Misconduct Allegations Include "Being in a Sexual Relationship with an Informant" -- Scandal Creates A Near Collapse of Law-Enforcement
He was charged with a Class E Felony since the value of the property or services obtained was more than ($500) dollars--the indictment includes missing funds in the amount of ($840) dollars which was allegedly used for sexual favors from a confidential informant.
A couple of weeks after his arrest, he pleaded 'not guilty' at the first court hearing--if found guilty, he may be classified as a 'convicted felon' for the rest of his life.
In the TPPD general information-page it was stated that "Understanding that the laws have a spirit, as well as a letter, thus giving our officers latitude." It's unclear as to whether this meant that Parks felt he could interpret the law to justify his actions.
Eyewitnesses report that upon learning of what had transpired back in February, Parks' wife became enraged, dragged him out of his patrol car in the Police Dept. parking lot, and gave him a 'bare knuckle ass-whoopin'...
Initially, Parks' quick departure raised eyebrows: we now know his actions created a crisis and even the possibility of a lawsuit--it's not uncommon for confidential informants in similar circumstances to sue a police department claiming 'abuse of power'...
A well-placed local resident said back when the scandal first broke, "there are more serious allegations involved and added, he's done as a police officer, and lucky if he doesn't wind up in jail."
Parks' second in command, former TPPD Lt. Jason Crowder is out as well--he has taken a 'rent-a-cop' (security guard) job in a residential community.
If Federal funds or 'instruments used in interstate commerce' (a cell phone or computer), are used in a crime, the FBI usually gets involved--last March, a Virginia State Trooper was found guilty on several federal charges including soliciting sex from an informant, bribery, theft of federal funds, lying to the FBI, and destroying evidence. More from WVVA.
This is Tellico Plains' second police chief scandal: in 2012 there was a state comptroller investigation on former police chief Bill Isbell, a 'darling' of the private Coker Creek facebook users group: Where Did The Money Go?
The Tellico Plains city council advertised for a 'new police chief' and within a few days, four applied for the job. The unanimous choice was to get back former chief of police Jeb Brown in the chief's position, he was the clear favorite...many see it as step in the right direction for the city moving forward, one city local resident said-- "it's like Sheriff Taylor is back in town."
Chief Brown was recently asked, did Parks pass on any pertinent information about mass casualty threats with a deadly weapon by a recent move/in drifter who is a frequent flea market vendor? Brown said no he wasn't informed, and said, " Parks had been charmed and had become friends with the guy." ...a clear lapse of judgement, considering the guy had initially bragged that he owned a 'Thompson' sub-machine gun... Information by a credible witness in the Tellico Plains Flea Market portrays the drifter as a malcontent and prone to violence...This is the sort of person Parks 'cozied' up to?
Saturday, December 22, 2018
We Buy Land and Homes-Scam Alert
The 'seller' failed to read a 'subject-to' clause in the contract--watch the video.
- An average individual in desperate need of cash may become a target of recent move-in smooth talking 'predators'... who are thrilled to profit from anyone's 'down and out' financial situation.
- 'Equity Skimming' is one of the most common ways used to rip you off -- it starts by the seller transferring the deed to the 'buyer'.
- At times, all the victim needs is a 'short term' loan leaving the original mortgage intact--after you receive a quick 'payment'...you may be notified to make payments to the alleged 'buyer' instead of the mortgage company you were formerly making payments to--the buyer who now has the deed to the property, may rent out the property instead of moving in--and now is getting money from you and the renter.
- The equity in your home can now be used to get 'home equity' loans or other forms of financing--or they can re-sell the property without paying off the outstanding mortgage.
- The scammer ultimately stops making payments on the mortgage, and allows the property to go into foreclosure since they never assumed liability for the mortgage.
- Another version of the scam is the buyer makes a verbal offer for your property and you accept it--a few days later you get a formal written contract--because you believe it is the same offer you agreed to, you simply sign on the dotted line without reading the 'fine print'--eventually you discover that the written contract is not the same as the verbal agreement--now you are entangled in a legal battle for months or years.
- There are several other ways 'fly by night' scammers use to cheat victims--a scammer in 2008 posed as an heir to a fortune and even convinced some area cops to 'retire' because he had promised them high paying security guard jobs--as it turned out, the 'smooth talking' drifter was a prison escapee from Michigan...who had used several 'promise to purchase' land agreements during a cross-country escapade, until he was finally captured in Arizona.
Friday, December 7, 2018
Sheriff Tommy Jones' 4 Year Report Card
What seemed like at first, a 'wet behind the ears'
unknown twenty something, has made dramatic improvements to Monroe County Sheriff's Dept. that his critics never expected--since then, he has won two elections, and if he stays the course, may be unbeatable and will likely *keep his job until he decides to retire, unless he really screws up--See "2022 Alijah Kensinger Missing Child Alert." It turned into a 19 hour search for a six year old that was sitting under a tree less than a mile behind the grandmother's house.
For the most part, Sheriff Jones has been able to side-step controversy--the first notable incident was brought to the public's attention by Eddie Manning, a deputy he had justly fired for planting evidence in 2015 and/or bringing contraband into the MCSD jail--In 2014, Manning was campaigning "in uniform" for Sheriff Bill Bivens in the Coker Creek Williams Market--before leaving the store I (MS) said "Randy White is going to Win" ...(which he did)--soon after driving off, I saw Manning's patrol SUV in my rear view mirror 'inches from my back bumper' the entire two miles right up to my driveway...it was clearly an intimidation ploy. Manning was one 3 deputies that sued after getting fired and was the only one that was not awarded any monetary compensation.
The most unusual comment in the press briefing (shown in video) is "We are not in the storage business." ...that's one of the most absurd comments you will ever hear from the head of a law enforcement agence...WATE News reported that guns from the evidence room (see video below) had been sold to a business owner formerly associated with the Tellico plains Police during the Bill Isbell and Don Charest tenure, in which several seized guns had disappeared and funds from police fund-raisers were not being deposited in city bank accounts.
An investigation by the Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury (shown page 1 of 4), found systemic violations of record-keeping--a major blunder by association, considering that the store had almost become a branch office of the sheriff's dept.
The Sheriff's Dept. is no longer associated with Don Charest or any of his former cronies.
"We are Judged by the Company We Keep"
After being appointed interim Sheriff by county commissioners on 12/9/2014, Jones was all for Randy White staying on as sheriff after the technicalities could be worked out--however, the 'lust for power' changed the story line: Jones later 'fired' Randy White who he had named as his chief deputy.
Randy White has no one to blame but himself!... It turned into a classic case of 'you snooze you loose'.
Randy lacked the POST Commission requirements in 2014 by just a few days, and in 2018, had become eligible to be sheriff, however, Tommy Jones wouldn't let go...who can blame him?, it's pretty cool to be sheriff--the whole thing has elements of trust, betrayal, greed, and the makings of an A&E Investigation Discovery episode.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
"Badge Bunnies" Target Cops and Firefighters
Former Tellico Plains Police Chief Arlie French (R.I.P) was clear in his warning: 'aberrant behavior can get your badge.'
He actually said "your badge can get you P_ _ _ _ but P_ _ _ _ can get your badge."
The badge bunny waitress in this picture caused a Texas trooper to get fired, after letting her sit on the patrol car while holding his assault rifle.
A Bronx fire station was known as "Animal House" because of its wild sex parties--the regular escapades caused two members to get suspended and fourteen others to get 're-assigned' after a group party with a known 'fireman groupie.'
The woman initially told police she had been raped, but later admitted to having consensual sex with four firefighters...she also admitted to having sex with 200 to 300 firefighters since 9/11, and that she had herpes, and suffered from bi-polar disorder.
If you think this will never happen to you, think again--A 'cop groupie' in Chicago described her reasons for playful encounters with cops, she said:
- All the cops were married.
- The 'power' that cops had was a 'turn on' and she believed that the association could buy her favors.
- She also had a strange fascination with guns as 'sex objects.'
- New encounters often occurred at a public park frequented by cops.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Attempt to Destroy Judge Kavanaugh Fails
False accusations are nothing new: since the beginning of time, people have been incarcerated and at times, put to death by being falsely accused.
he was sworn in as the 114th US Supreme Court Justice.
Friday, August 10, 2018
Former Sheriff Bill Bivens' 3rd Strike Out
Sheriff Bill Bivens |
Part history and perhaps a political obituary: remembered as a life-long public servant
Although he said in 2016 he was out of politics forever, in 2018 he tried for the third, and perhaps the last time to get back in the Sheriff's seat.
To anyone that has met him, he is like-able and has a generational history in Monroe County--his father was a former MCSD Sheriff--Bill also served as a county commissioner. After serving as Tellico Plains Police Chief, he decided to run against the 3 term sheriff Doug Watson in 2006, and he won.
Complaints against Watson had escalated to the point that even his supporters felt it was time for a change--two incidents, one in Madisonville and the other in *Coker Creek swung the balance in Bivens' favor--well-connected actors, in criminology known as the 'criminal elite', were getting away with a 'slap in the hand'...county wide corruption affected every aspect of society, and led to the change of the guard 2006-2014 Bivens' tenure as Sheriff.
There's no doubt, Bill will be remembered as a good man, who tried to make a positive difference in Monroe County.
There is more detail in the Coker Creek incident, but the one in Madisonville had similar components.
*March of 2006, a mid-twenties white male, son of a 'crony' of then sheriff Watson rolls his truck off the bank on Hwy 68 near what at the time was, the 'Davis Store'--flees the scene and runs home to hide-out...during the next hour, the cops try to flush the suspect out and arrest him. It escalates to the suspect shooting at a combined force of 4 police agencies (THP, MCSD, TPPD, even a cruiser from Vonore PD showed up and a WATE news crew.)
Watson forbids the officers to shoot back, even though the officers said some of the shots 'whizzed by close to their heads'. The suspect finally passes out/faints, but was never injured and gets taken into custody by Sgt. Mike Morgan.
It was the only time that a crew from Knoxville based WATE-TV showed up during an active crime scene in Coker Creek...
the shooter was only charged with 'reckless endangerment' and received a $100 fine from Judge Reed Dixon...(that's less than the average speeding ticket.)
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
MCSD Deputies Memorial Day Manhunt
The chase started near Ball Play/Belltown road heading towards Tellico Plains--for a short time, there was a good visual on the suspect's truck, then after about 20 minutes the getaway vehicle was spotted abandoned in the woods.
According to an employee at the health dept, the Belltown/Ball Play road community has been one of the worst areas in the county involving drug related incidents.
You can thank the efforts of the deputies in sheriff's dept. and the county's city police depts. who continue to wage war on the drug epidemic.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Brian "Wormy" Hodge: the Most Powerful Man in Monroe County?
The law of un-intended consequences...could he 'swing' the election if he decides to "talk" to authorities?
... Just when it was getting down to the wire in the start of the 2018 Sheriff's election, the feds have announced they now have even more evidence that ties "Wormy" Hodge to the 2014 vote buying case.
Update: Tommy Jones wins the Republican primary sheriff's race: It may be the first time that a "Jim Comey" type strategy has had such an impact on an election since 2016--Did U.S. District Attorney Douglas Overbey violate DOJ guidelines?...
The traditional Justice Department protocol is to avoid taking investigative action in the run-up to an election that could affect it's outcome.
Soon after the press release, support for Randy White dwindled throughout the county.
U.S. District Attorney Douglas Overbey has announced they now have DNA on an envelope that was used for absentee voting--a saliva sample shows an acceptable probability that it was Hodge's DNA smeared on the envelope.
Federal authorities have a 'trump card' (no pun intended) in their arsenal during investigations which local authorities don't have: it is known as 18 U.S.C. 1001...False Statements to a Federal Investigator--in other words, lying during questioning is a crime, and if they can prove you lied--it's a felony. This is how Martha Stewart was snared during her insider trading trial--there wasn't enough to convict her for insider trading, but they could show that she lied during questioning, and she served 5 months (of a 12 month) sentence in federal prison.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Travis Jones Resigns! ...Leaves Law-Enforcement for Secure State Job
Was Jones knowingly violating the law?...what started as a relaxed and unassuming interview, will have far-reaching implications on his career
It's been close to a year that Travis Jones (perhaps unwittingly), admitted to MSNBC's Keith Morrison what has been 'standard practice' at the Monroe County Sheriff's Office... A total disregard for the legal steps required to present evidence in court--his admission could open the floodgates for possible re-trials in cases where a defendant's civil rights, (especially those not having a good attorney at the time), may claim their civil rights were violated. The failure of the sheriff's dept. to properly train officers, and the lack of oversight when misconduct occurred, made national headlines in the Dawson case.
Can the state of Tennessee "teach an old dog new tricks?" Even if it was possible, the "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" doctrine may hang like a storm cloud, and raise reasonable doubt in any future investigations or court testimony involving former MCSD Captain Travis Jones.
Call it an October surprise or however you wish to characterize it; but, it was a 'head-turner' to learn that Jones was 'abandoning ship' as head of MCSD detectives to work as a 'fire investigator' with the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance--what led to his departure and more importantly, what does he know about fire investigation?
A good fire investigator should have a 'scientific or chemical' background--Dr. Gerald Hurst earned his PhD in chemistry from Cambridge, he said that "fire investigation in general is the 'swamp of forensic science'-in fact, many forensic scientists refuse to recognize arson investigation as a 'sub-field' of forensic science." Many innocent people are sitting in prison, because of inaccurate conclusions drawn from faulty science.
Senior members of local police departments are often times recruited and move up to the TBI, FBI, and other law enforcement agencies--not in this case--why? we can only guess at all the possibilities...