Thursday, September 19, 2024

Exploding Radios in Lebanon were discontinued Icom IC-V82's, often used by Ham Radio Operators

It was the batteries in radios and pagers that held the detonation device that maimed or killed hundreds of users in Lebanon this week.

The Japanese company Icom manufactured the IC-V82 radios from 2004 to 2012. It was a solid quality, well-

built HT or (handy talkie) as ham radio operators refer to hand-held portable radios. 

Production of the batteries for the IC-V82 radios was discontinued years ago, but parts are still available: It remains a mystery how the batteries detonated--although it is clear they had been loaded with explosive material.

Icom is one the top radio brands,  one of their best current hand-held models is the Icom ID-52.