Monday, August 1, 2011

Air Evac Helicopter hits powerline near Reliance Rd. in Polk County TN

Fire Chief: it was an unusual takeoff "he was actually flying into that draw"

When interviewed a couple of hours later by Chattanooga News Channel 9 Lindsay Jackson,, he colors some of the details, suggesting the mishap on how the sun was shining.

Chief Stephen "lofty goals" Lofty says: "I actually looked, and because of the way the sun was shining back this way you could not see those cables..."

The power line cables were very close to the ground, at a considerable distance from the landing zone, in airspace that the pilot should not have been flying in...see how far and how close to ground the power lines were in this wide angle and zoom VIDEO.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Chief Deputy Bryan Graves recovers after deer vs. motorcycle accident

Monroe County Sheriff Chief Deputy Bryan Graves is recovering from what could have been, and (statistically) is a much more serious accident; which often times results in a fatality or spinal cord injury.

On Sunday night, while driving his motorcycle to a National Guard Armory drill to prepare for what would have been his 3rd deployment overseas, Bryan says he was--"less than 300' feet from the driveway, a deer jumped out beside me, and ran beside me for just a minute, and then it jumped in front of me and swept the front wheel out."

The community sends thoughts and prayers to Chief Deputy Graves for a safe recovery. Chief Deputy Graves is one of the greatest assets in the Monroe County Sheriff's Dept.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Defense Attorney Shari T. Young 'Jumps Ship'-takes job with D.A.

As per TBPR: Attorney Young was not a Public Defender

Attorney Shari Tayloe Young
Defense Attorney Shari Tayloe Young, now a partner in the Cleveland Law firm of Crump, Richardson, and Young was appointed and accepted the task of representing Jessica Powers last March.
'Special judge' Walter C. Kurtz who was brought in from Nashville to preside over the trial, appointed Shari Young when the initial attorney from the public defender's Office, Jeanne Wiggins, asked to be allowed to step down due to a conflict of interest.

The Jim Miller murder case is arguably one of the most high-profile court cases in the history of Monroe County-- it can be in many ways, a 'career-making case.' When a local newspaper on 6/27/2011 described Attorney Young as a 'public defender' from Cleveland, who asked to be released from the case after she took a job in the Fifth Judicial District with the District Attorney's Office--it undoubtedly 'stirred the rumor mill' with questions of legal ethics. 

The 'spin on the facts' as to why Attorney Young asked to be removed as defense attorney is still unraveling, particularly when it has been learned Attorney Young is not stepping down from any other ongoing legal cases at Crump, Richardson, and Young.

If the Fifth Judicial District is not associated with the 10th Judicial District, and there is no conflict of interest--why step down as Powers' defense attorney? Why did she accept the case in the first place?....and then quit 4 months later while the case was still in the pre-trial stage?....

An email received today from the Tennessee Board of Professional Responsibility has helped to clarify at least one of the questions raised: ......"What the newspaper labeled a public defender, and who is really a public defender are two different things. There is the Public Defender's Office and the attorneys that work there. When there is a conflict, the judge appoints a private attorney who is not from the public defender's office, but who is paid by the administrative office of the courts to represent a defendant who cannot afford legal counsel. If the attorney was working at a private law firm and was appointed, she was not really a public defender and does not work there." --end quote.

The defendant in the Jim Miller murder case is now on her 3rd court-appointed defense attorney. Knoxville-based Attorney John Eldridge is Jessica Power's new defense attorney--the case is still only in the pre-trial motions stage.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bill Isbell's wife sues Monroe County in Federal Court

The ex-Tellico Plains Chief of Police's wife, Marie Anne Isbell, filed a federal lawsuit: includes Monroe County, and the newly appointed EMS Director Randy White as defendants.

The plaintiff (Isbell), alleges she was not re-hired by Monroe County EMS after the new EMS Director was appointed, part because her husband (Bill Isbell), did not support Randy White for Sheriff in the general election last year. Bill Isbell was investigated in a missing money probe by the TN State Comptroller...

The lawsuit does not state any specific monetary amount--although it seeks compensation due to lost wages, pain, suffering, humiliation, and embarrassment.
You can view the entire complaint in the Justia website link below.
Isbell vs. Monroe County TN et al

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Probe of Questionable Talent in Dept. of Finance

Many residents who have been victims of drivers under the influence, believe Monroe County Finance Department Director Brian Tallent received a 'slap in the hand' -- after being charged with 2 DUI's in the same weekend. See the aftermath of BT's rampage which closed down Madisonville for several days.

Mayor Tim Yates made a motion to terminate BT (Brian Tallent), during a meeting of the finance committee on Tuesday, October 12,....a recent probe shows BT made several purchases that are un-accounted for, or were not received by the county departments for which said items were purchased. BT resigned on Tuesday Oct.19, at the monthly meeting of the County Commission.
Sheriff Bill Bivens released this statement on Tallent's arrest."It is very unfortunate that this happened. Obviously, Brian has some personal issues that he must directly face. Brian, like many others, was held over as an auxiliary with the sheriff's office when the administration changed. He has remained on the list as an auxiliary officer and was inactive and has not worked with the current administration. In light of the current situation, Brian will be removed from the list of auxiliaries.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Six Year Anniversary of the Franny Graham Disappearance

September 18th, 2012 will mark the 7 year anniversary of long-time Coker Creek resident Franny Graham.

Graham lived in a small cedar shake house with her companion Floyd Dockery; she officially remained a "missing person," until her skeletal remains were identified on 12/17/2009.

Make sure to read and learn about the Franny Graham case before you are persuaded to join any Coker Creek Clubs or Cliques.

        Franny Graham Website
        Franny Graham was a regular at local Ruritan Club
        Graham DNA results identified
        Uncle of Suspect wants resolution in Fanny Graham case

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Physical Effects of Anger

Anger is a powerful emotion. If it isn't handled appropriately, it may have destructive results for both you and your loved ones. Uncontrolled anger can lead to arguments, physical fights, physical abuse, assault and self-harm. On the other hand, well managed anger can be a useful emotion that can bring about positive changes.

People often describe anger as a wave that sweeps over them. Like the forces of nature that send breakers crashing to the shore, anger can surprise us with a sudden destructive force.

Anger's physical side effects explain why you frequently see studies about the damage this emotion can do to our bodies. In one study of almost 13,000 subjects, individuals with the highest levels of anger had twice the risk of coronary artery disease, and three times the risk of having a heart attack.

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Era of Hope for Monroe County

As per an official press release from MCSD, "Captain Kenny Hope's employment with the Monroe County Sheriff's Dept was terminated on August 18, 2010."

In a way, this comes as no surprise....after being cleared as suspect in the Jim Miller murder, Hope's "Off the Wall remark" to the news media foretold the Prophecy of his own demise...claiming on 7/22/2010 " My Career has been Ruined for NO REASON."  Kenny Hope's numerous comments to the media and intense public scrutiny may have rattled him enough to nearly go "Off the Deep End." 

Police officers that act like they are entitled to be free from public scrutiny, are living in a dream world. Like the general public, cops commit crimes and are not Above the Law...see  "When a Serial Rapist wears a Badge."  

Oddly enough, Kenny Hope's phone voice mail greeting started with, "You have the right to remain Silent"....had he used his own advice before and after being cleared as a Suspect....he might still be a Law Enforcement Officer. Maybe in time, Kenny Hope will understand that the The Fifth Amendment (the right to not be a witness against yourself) is more than a catchy phrase/voice mail greeting.

A month later (3 weeks after he was cleared as a suspect), Hope was allegedly found in Madisonville outside a woman's home holding a club and smelling of liquor. This is a reminder that--
"Suspects are presumed to be Innocent"....."Suspects are not presumed to be Intelligent."

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Arthur Dockery Wanted for Filing False Police Report

Arthur Dockery Wanted for Failure to Appear in Filing of False Police Report case.

Arthur Dockery, 57, claims he and the woman who had lived with his father for the past 24 years on Hwy 68 in Coker Creek TN.were kidnapped and taken in separate vans and he was held by a woman who held him captive as a sexual slave for just under a week. see VIDEO

Dockery tells of a redhead that stripped off his clothes and tied him with Velcro strips on a hook in the van. Dockery alleged that the woman masturbated him twice a day until he escaped. He claims he managed to escape several days later and doesn't know what happened to Graham. Blount County Sheriff's Office investigators were able to determine that Dockery made a cell phone call to his sister from the Mount Vernon, Ill., area about 12 hours after he said he was kidnapped but found "several holes" in his story. He has been charged with filing a false police report and there is a warrant for his arrest for failure to appear. Authorities in Illinois on 12/17/2009--made a DNA match of the remains of Franny Graham